My wife and I recently purchased a home. It's a big, old farmhouse that needs a lot of love (and has a lot of love to give!) Until we can renovate the attic, my new "studio" is located in one of the guest rooms.
I don't like my temporary studio.
The previous owners painted an absolutely hideous color over the old, crinkling wallpaper. It's a color that I can only describe as burned diarrhea. I'm scrunched into a tiny corner – the only outlet in the room – and cars make constant noise because we live on a busy road and our farmhouse was built right next to the road.
And yet.
I don't know when we'll get to remodel the attic. It could be a few months. It could be a few years. I do know, however, that I can't wait until then to make things – music, videos for social media, new stuff for the app; things just have to get done.
E.B. White is saying that if I wait until my house is perfect to make things, I'll be waiting forever. My house will never be perfect. I'll never be ready. So I need to embrace the imperfection now.
You might feel, from time to time, your own version of this "pull": I don't have enough time / I'm not sure what to do / People will laugh at me / I'm not ready.
So if you've been unhappy with your creative output recently, ask yourself:
What am I waiting for?
What conditions are missing in order to make me feel comfortable?
If you're not sure, head on over to Part 2 of this and we'll get you sorted out. If you are sure, here's your challenge to try:
And go do it anyway.
Let me know how this works out for you. If you're struggling, reach out and we'll take care of you.
Until then, go make some BAD ART!
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